The next step of the starting guide for the Airtame screen is to configure your device. If you want to revisit the previous step, please check out:
Download the app
To configure your Airtame screen, you will need a laptop with the Airtame App. Available for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Chromebooks.
- Download The Airtame App it here:
- Install the Airtame App and open it
Note: It is possible to pre-install it to multiple computers at once using our MSI or pkg.
Setup your device
After connecting your Airtame device to power and a screen, you will be able to set it up through the Airtame app.
- The first time you open the Airtame app, the device's name will show as airtame-oob-****** (Out of the box). The name of the device will be shown on the Airtame screen as well.
- Name your Airtame screen.
- Choose between connecting your device to your WiFi, Ethernet (wired network), or Access Point.
Once connected to a network and renamed, you can locate the Airtame screen in the Airtame app using the given name.
Find your Airtame screen
- Your Airtame screen should show up automatically on the list.
- You can also search for the Airtame Screen it by typing its name or IP address.
With the stream function, you can:
- Mirror your full screen.
- Select a single window to share.
- Share the same content to multiple screens at the same time.
- Stream with audio.
- Minimize the app or keep a small streaming notification on-screen.
Device Settings
Here are some of the functions that you can configure in Airtame Settings via the Airtame app:
- Network: Connect your Airtame device to another network.
- Resolution: Change the resolution of the Airtame device to make sure that the Airtame is using the preferred resolution that is compatible with your display.
PIN code connect: With this function enabled, the Airtame device displays a random 4-digit code that the user needs to enter in the app to start a stream.
- Override PIN code: If PIN code connect is enabled, this must also be enabled to ensure that mobile devices (phones/tablets) can stream to Airtame.
- Password protection: Set a password to access the Airtame device's Settings.
2.4 GHz / 5 GHz Access Point: Turn on/off the Airtame's own Access Point (SSID).
- AP Password: If the 2.4 GHz / 5GHz Access Point is enabled, with this function you can set a password to connect to Airtame's own Access Point (SSID).
- Download the log files: Useful for troubleshooting issues with our support team.
App Preferences
- Manual mode: Users can set advanced streaming settings like Frame rate, Buffer time, Compression quality, etc.
- Launch at Startup: Choose if you want the Airtame app to start automatically when you start your computer.
- Streaming Notification: Choose if you want a tools banner to appear on the screen when you are streaming.
- Download log files: This allows you to download log files of the Airtame application, which might be necessary for troubleshooting with our Support team. Log files of the Airtame device can be found in the device settings.
- Get help: This will direct you to our Help Center and allow you to submit a ticket to Airtame Support.
- Set up new Airtame: Manually set up a new Airtame device.
Additional notes:
- You can find the app in both the Dock in the bottom bar and in the top taskbar.
- You can minimize and maximize the app to/from a taskbar.
- It can be moved and placed around the screen of your computer.
- It's vertically re-sizable.
Next: Connect your Airtame Screen to the Airtame Cloud