How to set up a playlist with OneDrive Gallery
- Log into your Airtame Cloud account.
- Select one or multiple Airtame screens.
- Click the Edit settings button.
- Select the Signage menu.
- Click either the Edit or Add New button for the playlist to use. This depends on whether you already have set up a playlist.
Click the Add button.
Choose the OneDrive Gallery app.
Click the Sign in with Microsoft button to sync with your OneDrive account.
- Click the Select Folder button and choose which folder to use.
Set an interval between images to define how long each image should be shown. The default is 1 minute.
- Optional: Enable the Show folder name as overlay toggle to show the folder name.
Click the Save button to save the app.
- Optional: Change the duration of the OneDrive Gallery app.
Click the Save button to save the playlist.
Click the Save button to save the changes to your Airtame screen(s).
A configured OneDrive Gallery app showing 6 images from a folder.
Supported file format
- GIF (just static image, without animation)
Caching mechanism
This integration with Microsoft OneDrive Gallery optimizes image loading by caching selected folder contents, ensuring faster display times. Due to this caching, you may expect up to 5 minutes of delay when adding new images to the Microsoft OneDrive folder, before they appear on the Airtame screen.
Manage duration
Make sure to think about both the interval between images and the total Duration of the OneDrive Gallery app.
If the total duration is shorter than the number of images times the interval between images, not all images will be shown. If the total duration is longer than the number of images times the interval between images, The list of images will repeat until the total duration of time has passed.
For example, if you select a file with 6 images and an interval between images of 10 seconds, it will take 60 seconds to show all the images.
Setting the duration to 50 seconds will only show 5 of the 6 images.
Setting the duration to 2 minutes will show all the images twice.
Once you have chosen the images and have selected a time interval between those images, the default duration will be shown, which is calculated as the number of images selected times the time interval between the images. You can also manually choose the duration of these images being shown.