Airtame Cloud helps you view, update, and manage all of your Airtame devices from a central place. This article will walk you through the basics of how to set up your device in the Cloud.
1. Create an account
Go to
Write the name of your organization and press Next.
Fill out your name, email address, and password.
Click Create account.
Note: If your organization already has an Airtame Cloud account, request an invitation from your colleagues instead of creating a new one.
2. Add a device to your account
- Select the group you would like to add your Airtame to.
- Click Add Airtame in the top right corner
- Click the Copy button or manually copy the code in the box.
Please note: you must generate a new code for each Airtame.
3. Add the code to your Airtame device
Open the Airtame device settings through the App.
Paste the token under Cloud token.
Click the Apply changes button.
Your Airtame will show up after a few seconds on your Airtame Cloud account. If you can't see the device's name, please check our Airtame Cloud-Troubleshooting articles.
4. Get Started
Use Airtame Cloud to monitor the performance of all your devices.
Click on the "Screens" tab and head to the overview of what your devices are currently displaying. Configure settings related to Digital Signage apps integration with Google Slides, Trello, OneDrive, Unsplash, and more.
Invite additional users and assign roles to ensure the proper management and security of the account. Learn more here: Manage your Cloud account
5. Manage your devices
In the List tab, you can have an overview of all your Airtame devices and organize them into different groups. The interface gives you the ability to view the device by groups or by clicking on the All section on the top left. You can also organize and move the device groups with 'the drag and drop' function - available by hovering your mouse on the two vertical lines on the very right.
6. Manage your screens
You can have an overview of all your Airtame-powered screens and see which digital signage content is being displayed by clicking the Grid tab. You can also edit and configure this digital signage content. To make the deployment of digital signage easier, you can use the option to copy the digital signage configuration from one Airtame device to another. By clicking on the drop-down menu, you can choose one of the devices on the list or you can use the search function to search for a specific Airtame device.