From the Airtame app
If you need to manually update or request a specific version from our servers, this can be done by following the steps:
- Open the Airtame app.
- Hover over the Airtame of choice.
- Select the Settings option.
- Scroll down & click on the Show Advanced Settings.
- Scroll down to the Update channel option.
- Click quickly a minimum of 5 times over the gray Update channel text.
- Click on the dropdown menu and select the Custom option.
- A new text box will appear - paste the following link:
For Airtame 2 (prior public release)
For Airtame Hub (prior public release):
For Airtame 1 - NOTE: Airtame 1 is End of life and is not supported any longer
Note: Make sure the update schedule is not enabled for the Airtame screen, to prevent newer firmware from being installed.
Click here to read more on update schedules
From Airtame Cloud
- For proper functioning, the automatic updates should be disabled before using the custom update option.
- This feature only applies to Airtame 2 and Airtame Hub. In case other types of devices are selected, the request will be ignored for these devices.
- Log in to
- Select the device(s) you want to update. It is recommended to only select devices of the same type to perform the bulk action.
- Click on Custom Update in the list of bulk actions
- Paste the update link and validate
Assuming the provided link is correct, your device(s) will now update to this specific firmware version.